The working principle of the electric heating steam generator is: when the water supply system supplies water to the cylinder, when the water level rises to the working water level line, the electric heating element is powered on through the water level controller, and the electric heating element works. When the water level in the cylinder rises to a high water level, the water level controller controls the water supply system to stop supplying water to the cylinder. When the steam in the cylinder reaches the working pressure, the required pressure steam is obtained. When the steam pressure rises to the set value of the pressure relay, the pressure relay will act; cut off the power supply of the heating element, and the heating element will stop working. जब सिलेंडर में भाप दबाव रिले द्वारा निर्धारित निचले मान पर गिर जाती है, तो दबाव रिले कार्य करेगा और हीटिंग तत्व फिर से काम करेगा। In this way, an ideal, certain range of steam is obtained. When the water level in the cylinder drops to a low level due to evaporation, the machine can automatically cut off the power supply of the heating element to protect the heating element from being burned out. While cutting off the heating element power supply, the electric bell alarm sounds and the system stops working.