There is a relatively special once-through steam boiler in the steam boiler, which is actually a steam generating equipment for steam production in which the medium passes through each heating surface at one time and there is no forced flow of circulation. Site na ụdị usoro ọrụ pụrụ iche a, nke a na-eweta ube nke ọma dị iche. Kedu ihe bụ isi ihe?
When the once-through steam boiler is in operation, the medium in the evaporation heating surface will have a pulsating state, and its flow rate will change periodically with time; Na mgbakwunye, njiri mara hydrodynamic bụ ọtụtụ ihe bara uru. Na mgbakwunye, isi nrụgide nke otu ugboro - site na steepụ nke Steam na-akacha ukwuu.
During the start-up process, in order to reduce the heat loss and medium loss of the once-through steam boiler, a bypass system should be installed as much as possible. N'ihi na otu mgbe Steam na-ebute uzuoku enweghị uzuoku, usoro kpo oku nwere ike ịdị ngwa ngwa, yabụ ọsọ mmalite ya ga-adị ngwa ngwa.
If you compare the once-through steam boiler with the natural circulation boiler, the heat exchanger, superheater, air preheater, combustion system, etc. in the structure of the two are completely different. Iji mee ka ogo nke Steam, usoro nke mpaghara mpaghara na mpaghara mmiri nwere ike họrọ ya.
Oge Post: ac-18-2023