

  • 72KW Saturated Steam Generator and 36kw Superheated Steam

    72KW Saturated Steam Generator and 36kw Superheated Steam

    How to distinguish between saturated steam and superheated steam

    Simply put, a steam generator is an industrial boiler that heats water to a certain extent to produce high-temperature steam. Users can use steam for industrial production or heating as needed.
    Steam generators are low cost and easy to use. In particular, gas steam generators and electric steam generators that use clean energy are clean and pollution-free.

  • 6kw Small Steam Generator for Irons

    6kw Small Steam Generator for Irons

    Why should the steam generator be boiled before starting up? What are the methods of cooking the stove?

    Boiling the stove is another procedure that must be performed before new equipment is put into operation. By boiling the boiler, the dirt and rust remaining in the drum of the gas steam generator during the manufacturing process can be removed, ensuring the steam quality and water cleanliness when users use it. The method of boiling the gas steam generator is as follows:

  • 512kw Electric Steam Generator for Food Industry

    512kw Electric Steam Generator for Food Industry

    Why does a steam generator need a water softener?

    Since the water in the steam generator is highly alkaline and high-hardness wastewater, if it is not treated for a long time and its hardness continues to increase, it will cause scale to form on the surface of the metal material or form corrosion, thus affecting the normal operation of the equipment components. Because hard water contains a large amount of impurities such as calcium, magnesium ions and chloride ions (higher calcium and magnesium ions content)). When these impurities are continuously deposited in the boiler, they will produce scale or form corrosion on the inner wall of the boiler. Using soft water for water softening treatment can effectively remove chemicals such as calcium and magnesium in hard water that are corrosive to metal materials. It can also reduce the risk of scale formation and corrosion caused by chloride ions in the water.

  • 2 Ton diesel Steam Boiler for Industrial

    2 Ton diesel Steam Boiler for Industrial

    Under what circumstances is it necessary to shut down a large steam generator urgently?

    Steam generators often run for long periods of time. After the steam generator is installed and used for a long time, some problems will inevitably occur in some aspects of the boiler, so the boiler equipment needs to be maintained and maintained. So, if some more serious faults suddenly occur in large gas steam boiler equipment during daily use, how should we shut down the boiler equipment in an emergency? Now let me briefly explain the relevant knowledge to you.

  • 360kw Electric Steam Generator

    360kw Electric Steam Generator

    Is a steam generator a special equipment?

    In our daily life, we often use steam generator, which is a common steam equipment. Generally, people will classify it as a pressure vessel or pressure-bearing equipment. In fact, steam generators are mainly used in the production process for boiler feed water heating and steam transportation, as well as water treatment devices and other fields. In daily production, steam generators are often needed to produce hot water. However, some people believe that steam generators belong to the category of special equipment.

  • Environmental Friendly Gas 0.6T Steam Generator

    Environmental Friendly Gas 0.6T Steam Generator

    How is a gas steam generator more environmentally friendly?

    A steam generator is a device that uses the steam generated by a steam generator to heat water into hot water. It is also called a steam boiler for industrial production. According to the national environmental protection policy, coal-fired boilers are not allowed to be installed near densely populated urban areas or residential areas. Natural gas will cause certain environmental pollution during transportation, so when using a gas steam generator, you need to install a corresponding exhaust gas emission device. For natural gas steam generators, it mainly generates steam by burning natural gas.

  • 54kw steam generator for a jacketed kettle

    54kw steam generator for a jacketed kettle

    What steam generator is better for a jacketed kettle?

    The supporting facilities of the jacketed kettle include a variety of steam generators, such as electric steam generators, gas (oil) steam generators, biomass fuel steam generators, etc. The actual situation depends on the standards of the place of use. Utilities are expensive and cheap, as well as whether there is gas. However, no matter how they are equipped, they are based on the criteria of efficiency and low cost.

  • 108KW Stainless Steel Customized Electric Steam Generator for Food Industry

    108KW Stainless Steel Customized Electric Steam Generator for Food Industry

    What’s the secret to keeping stainless steel from rusting?Steam generator is one of the secrets

    Stainless steel products are common products in our daily lives, such as stainless steel knives and forks, stainless steel chopsticks, etc. Or larger stainless steel products, such as stainless steel cabinets, etc. In fact, as long as they are related to food, most of them are made of stainless steel. Stainless steel has excellent characteristics such as high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, not easy to deform, not moldy, and not afraid of oil fumes. However, if stainless steel kitchenware is used for a long time, it will also be oxidized, gloss reduced, rusted, etc. So how to solve this problem?

    In fact, using our steam generator can effectively avoid the problem of rust on stainless steel products, and the effect is excellent.

  • 3kw Electric steam boiler for ironing

    3kw Electric steam boiler for ironing

    The process of steam sterilization consists of several steps.

    1. The steam sterilizer is a closed container with a door, and the loading of materials needs to open the door for loading.The door of the steam sterilizer is for clean rooms or situations with biological hazards, to prevent contamination or secondary pollution of items and the environment
    2 Preheating is that the sterilization chamber of the steam sterilizer is covered with a steam jacket. When the steam sterilizer is started, the jacket is filled with steam to preheat the sterilization chamber to store steam. This helps reduce the time it takes the steam sterilizer to reach the required temperature and pressure, especially if the sterilizer needs to be reused or if the liquid needs to be sterilized.
    3. The sterilizer exhaust and purge cycle process is the key consideration when using steam for sterilization to remove air from the system. If there is air, it will form a thermal resistance, which will affect the normal sterilization of the steam to the contents. Some sterilizers leave some air on purpose to lower the temperature, in which case the sterilization cycle will take longer.

  • 0.8T Gas steam boiler for Curing of Concrete Pouring

    0.8T Gas steam boiler for Curing of Concrete Pouring

    How to use steam generator for curing of concrete pouring

    After the concrete is poured, the slurry has no strength yet, and the hardening of the concrete depends on the hardening of the cement. For example, the initial setting time of ordinary Portland cement is 45 minutes, and the final setting time is 10 hours, that is, the concrete is poured and smoothed and placed there without disturbing it, and it can slowly harden after 10 hours. If you want to increase the setting rate of concrete, you need to use a Triron steam generator for steam curing. You can usually notice that after the concrete is poured, it needs to be poured with water. This is because cement is a hydraulic cementitious material, and the hardening of cement is related to temperature and humidity. The process of creating suitable temperature and humidity conditions for concrete to facilitate its hydration and hardening is called curing. The basic conditions for conservation are temperature and humidity. Under proper temperature and proper conditions, the hydration of cement can proceed smoothly and promote the development of concrete strength. The temperature environment of concrete has a great influence on the hydration of cement. The higher the temperature, the faster the hydration rate, and the faster the strength of concrete develops. The place where the concrete is watered is damp, which is good for its facilitation.

  • Customized 720kw steam generators for Chemical plants to boil glue

    Customized 720kw steam generators for Chemical plants to boil glue

    Chemical plants use steam generators to boil glue, which is safe and efficient

    Glue plays an important role in modern industrial production and residents’ life, especially in the process of industrial production. There are many kinds of glue, and the specific application fields are also different.Metal adhesives in the automotive industry, adhesives for bonding and packaging in the construction industry, electrical adhesives in the electrical and electronic industries, etc.

  • 2 Ton gas steam generator

    2 Ton gas steam generator

    How to calculate the operating cost of 2 tons of gas steam generator

    Everyone is familiar with steam boilers, but steam generators, which have recently appeared in the boiler industry, may not be familiar to many people. As soon as he appeared, he became the new favorite of steam users. What are his strengths? What I want to tell you today is how much money a steam generator can save compared to a traditional steam boiler. do you know?