

  • 12KW Small Electric Steam Generator for USA Farm

    12KW Small Electric Steam Generator for USA Farm

    4 common maintenance methods for steam generators

    The steam generator is a special production and manufacturing auxiliary equipment. Due to the long operation time and relatively high working pressure, we must do a good job of inspection and maintenance when we use the steam generator on a daily basis. What are the commonly used maintenance methods?

  • 0.2T Natural Gas industrial steam boiler cost

    0.2T Natural Gas industrial steam boiler cost

    How much liquefied gas does a 0.5kg steam generator use in one hour

    Theoretically, a 0.5kg steam generator needs 27.83kg of liquefied gas per hour. It is calculated as follows:
    It takes 640 kcal of heat to produce 1 kg of steam, and a half-ton steam generator can produce 500 kg of steam per hour, which requires 320,000 kcal (640*500=320000) of heat. The calorific value of 1kg of liquefied gas is 11500 kcal, and 27.83kg (320000/11500=27.83) of liquefied gas is needed to generate 320,000 kcal of heat.

  • 48KW electric steam boiler industrial for Farm

    48KW electric steam boiler industrial for Farm

    How much steam can be produced by a steam generator using 1kg of water

    Theoretically, 1KG of water can produce 1KG of steam using a steam generator.
    However, in practical applications, there will be more or less some water that cannot be converted into steam output due to some reasons, including residual water and water waste inside the steam generator.

  • 24KW Electric Steam Generator for Iron pressers

    24KW Electric Steam Generator for Iron pressers

    How to choose steam check valve

    1. What is a steam check valve
    The opening and closing parts are opened or closed by the flow and force of the steam medium to prevent the backflow of the steam medium. The valve is called a check valve. It is used on pipelines with one-way flow of steam medium, and only allows the medium to flow in one direction to prevent accidents.

  • 54KW Electric Steam Generator for Food Industry

    54KW Electric Steam Generator for Food Industry

    Precise temperature control of the steam, the ducks are clean and undamaged

    Duck is one of the favorite delicacies of the Chinese people. In many parts of our country, there are many ways to cook duck, such as Beijing roast duck, Nanjing salted duck, Hunan Changde salted salted duck, Wuhan braised duck neck… People all over the place love duck. A delicious duck must have thin skin and tender meat. This kind of duck not only tastes good, but also has high nutritional value. The duck with thin skin and tender meat is not only related to the duck’s practice, but also related to the duck’s hair removal technology. Good hair removal technology Not only can the hair removal be clean and thorough, but it also has no effect on the skin and flesh of the duck, and has no effect on the follow-up operation. So, what kind of hair removal method can achieve clean hair removal without damage?

  • 108KW Electric Steam Boiler for Food Industry

    108KW Electric Steam Boiler for Food Industry

    Discussion on Thermal Efficiency of Electric Steam Generator

    1. Thermal efficiency of electric steam generator
    The thermal efficiency of an electric steam generator refers to the ratio of its output steam energy to its input electric energy. In theory, the thermal efficiency of the electric steam generator should be 100%. Because the conversion of electrical energy to heat is irreversible, all incoming electrical energy should be completely converted to heat. However, in practice, the thermal efficiency of the electric steam generator will not reach 100%, the main reasons are as follows:

  • Water treatment for steam boiler

    Water treatment for steam boiler

    Hazard of steam generator grate slagging
    The slagging of the biomass steam generator not only increases the workload of boiler operation, maintenance and repair, seriously endangers the safety and economic operation, but also may force the furnace to reduce the load or even be forced to shut down. Slagging itself is a complex physical and chemical process, which also has the characteristics of self-intensification. Once the boiler is slagging, due to the thermal resistance of the slag layer, the heat transfer will deteriorate, and the temperature at the throat of the furnace and the surface of the slag layer will increase. In addition, the surface of the slag layer is rough, and the slag particles are more likely to adhere, resulting in a more intense slagging process. Below is a brief list of hazards caused by steam generator slagging.

  • 48KW Electric Steam Generator for Line Disinfection

    48KW Electric Steam Generator for Line Disinfection

    Advantages of steam line disinfection

    As a means of circulation, pipelines are used in various fields. Taking food production as an example, it is inevitable to use various types of pipelines for processing during food processing, and these foods (such as drinking water, beverages, condiments, etc.) will eventually go to the market and enter the belly of consumers. Therefore, ensuring that food is free from secondary pollution in the production process is not only related to the interests and reputation of food manufacturers, but also threatens the physical and mental health of consumers.

  • 0.5T gas steam boiler for factory

    0.5T gas steam boiler for factory

    What is the low water warning sign of a gas steam generator

    What is the low water sign of the gas steam generator? After selecting the gas steam generator, many users start to instruct the workers to operate according to the steps. During the operation, they must operate according to the correct operation instructions, so that they can be To avoid risks, then in the process of application, will you know what is the sign of less water in the gas steam generator? Let’s find out together.

  • 54KW Electric Steam Generator for wood steam bending

    54KW Electric Steam Generator for wood steam bending

    How to implement wood steam bending accurately and efficiently

    The use of wood to make various handicrafts and daily necessities has a long history in my country. With the continuous progress of modern industry, many methods of making wood products have almost been lost, but there are still some traditional construction techniques and construction techniques that continue to capture our imagination with their simplicity and extraordinary effects.
    Steam bending is a wooden craft that has been passed down for two thousand years and is still one of the favorite techniques of carpenters. The process temporarily transforms rigid wood into flexible, bendable strips, enabling the creation of the most whimsical shapes from the most natural materials.

  • 12kw Steam generator for pickling tank heating High Temperature Washing

    12kw Steam generator for pickling tank heating High Temperature Washing

    Steam generator for pickling tank heating

    Hot-rolled strip coils produce thick scale at high temperature, but pickling at room temperature is not ideal for removing thick scale. The pickling tank is heated by a steam generator to heat the pickling solution to dissolve the scale on the surface of the strip to ensure product quality. .

  • 3kw Small Electric Steam Generator price for irons

    3kw Small Electric Steam Generator price for irons

    Effect of water level probe on steam generator

    Now on the market, whether it is an electric heating steam generator or a gas steam generator, it has realized fully automatic operation: that is, automatic water filling, automatic water shortage alarm, over-temperature alarm, over-pressure alarm, water electrode failure alarm and other functions.
    Today we mainly talk about the important role played by the water level probe (water level electrode) in the steam generator. The circuit board is connected to the water level electrode, and the detection probe touches the water level. Send a signal to the water pump to stop replenishment or start replenishment to determine whether the steam generator can operate.