

  • 0.5T Fuel Gas Steam Boiler for High Pressure Cleaner

    0.5T Fuel Gas Steam Boiler for High Pressure Cleaner

    Treatment method for water leakage of fully preheated condensing gas steam generator

    Usually, the water leakage of the fully premixed condensing gas steam generator can be divided into several aspects:
    1. Water leakage on the inner wall of the fully premixed condensing gas steam generator:
    Leakage on the inner wall is further divided into leakage from the furnace body, water cooling, and downcomer. If the previous leak is relatively small, it can be repaired with similar steel grades. After the repair, flaw detection will be carried out. If water leaks from the rear to the front, the pipe must be replaced, and if the area is quite large, replace one.
    2. Water leakage from the hand hole of the fully premixed condensing gas steam generator:
    Try to install it at another angle to see if there is any deformation of the hand hole cover. If there is any deformation, calibrate it first, and then replace the rubber tape to wrap the mat evenly. Try to be consistent with the position before the maintenance.
    3. Water leakage in the furnace body of the fully premixed condensing gas steam generator:

  • 108KW Electric Steam Generator for Food Industry

    108KW Electric Steam Generator for Food Industry

    Calculation of structural characteristics of electric steam generator furnace body!

    There are two methods for calculating the structural characteristics of the electric steam generator furnace body:
    First, when designing a new electric steam generator, according to the selected furnace area heat intensity and furnace volume heat intensity, confirm the grate area and preliminarily determine the volume of the furnace body and its structural size.
    Then. Preliminarily determine the furnace area and furnace volume according to the steam generator recommended estimation method.

  • 0.1T  Liquefied Gas Steam Boiler for Food Industry

    0.1T Liquefied Gas Steam Boiler for Food Industry

    How to clean the gas boiler flue

    At present, people’s demand for heating is increasing. Many enterprises or commercial people attach great importance to the high environmental efficiency of gas boilers. They choose gas boilers for convenient heating applications, but they are suitable for how to clean the flue of gas boilers and daily maintenance. What method to use, then the editor will come to get acquainted with you-let’s go.

  • 0.8T Natural Gas Steam Boiler

    0.8T Natural Gas Steam Boiler

    Gas steam generator cleaning process

    The method of cleaning the gas steam generator is very important; after a period of operation of the steam generator, it is inevitable that there will be scale and rust. After concentration by evaporation.
    Various physical and chemical reactions occur in the furnace body, and finally produce hard and compact scale on the heating surface, resulting in a decline in heat transfer and corrosion factors under the scale, which will reduce the heating of the steam generator water-cooled furnace body, and the steam generator The temperature at the outlet of the furnace increases, which increases the loss of the steam generator. In addition, scaling in the water-cooled wall reduces the heat transfer effect, which can easily cause the temperature of the water-cooled wall pipe wall to increase and cause the water-cooled wall pipe to rupture, affecting the normal operation of the steam generator.

  • 0.3T Gas Steam Boiler equipped the pot for heating

    0.3T Gas Steam Boiler equipped the pot for heating

    The steam generator is equipped with a sandwich pot and a blanching machine to easily control the heat

    Jacketed pots are no strangers in the food industry. In the process of food processing, sandwiched pots are widely used.
    Steaming, boiling, braising, stewing, frying, roasting, frying, frying… Jacketed pots need heat sources. According to different heat sources, sandwich pots are divided into electric heating jacketed pots, steam heating jacketed pots, gas heating jacketed pots, and electromagnetic heating jacketed pots .

  • 90KW Electric Steam Generator for Food Industry

    90KW Electric Steam Generator for Food Industry

    What are the factors that affect the price of steam generators

    With the current understanding of environmental protection, more and more attention has been paid to the supervision of environmental protection, so the emergence of steam generators has solved this problem very well. Steam generator is a kind of heating equipment that can use natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas and electricity as energy sources. So the steam generator market will also get better and better. The price of steam generators is the most concerned point for everyone who wants to buy, so what factors affect the price of steam generators?

  • 12kw Small Electric Steam Generator for lab

    12kw Small Electric Steam Generator for lab

    Main Points of Debugging Electric Steam Generator

    In recent years, with the development of science and technology, the sterilization equipment is constantly updated, the pulsating vacuum pressure cooker has replaced the lower exhaust pressure cooker, and the electric heating steam generator has replaced the traditional coal-fired boiler. The new equipment has many advantages, but the performance has also changed. In order to ensure the safe use of the equipment and prolong the service life, Noves has accumulated some experience in the correct installation and debugging of the equipment after research. The following is the electrical equipment organized by Noves Correct debugging method of steam generator.

  • steam heat source machine

    steam heat source machine

    What is the difference between a steam boiler and a hot water boiler

    A hot water boiler is a boiler that produces hot water and is used for heating; a steam boiler is a device that generates steam by heating water and stops supplying the steam heat source. Both hot water boilers and steam boilers use water as the working medium. The biggest difference between the two is that the latter produces steam, while the former produces hot water.
    Hot water boilers are divided into low-temperature hot water boilers and high-temperature hot water boilers. Each country has different temperature boundaries for high water temperature and low water temperature. We use 120 degrees as the decomposition temperature, that is, the outlet water temperature is higher than One hundred and twenty degrees Celsius is a high-temperature hot water boiler, and lower than that is a low-temperature hot water boiler.

  • 24KW Electric Steam Generator for Ironing and pressers

    24KW Electric Steam Generator for Ironing and pressers

    Development Trend of Electric Heating Steam Generator

    As steam generators are getting more and more attention, a new type of equipment – electric heating steam generators, which can convert electrical energy into heat energy, and all components have passed the national mandatory safety certification mark , and precisely because of this, more and more people use it.

  • Nobeth Electric 54kw Steam Generator for Hotels

    Nobeth Electric 54kw Steam Generator for Hotels

    Points to consider when buying a steam generator

    Everyone is familiar with steam generators. Many industries such as daily chemical production, food processing, and clothing ironing need to use steam generators to provide heat.
    Facing so many steam generator manufacturers in the market, how to choose the suitable steam generator equipment?

  • 0.6 Gas Steam Boiler for Hotel Hot Water

    0.6 Gas Steam Boiler for Hotel Hot Water

    What is the use of purchasing steam generators for hotels

    As a kind of energy conversion equipment, steam generators can be used in various industries across borders, and the hotel industry is no exception. The steam generator becomes the heating power unit of the hotel, which can provide domestic hot water and laundry for the tenants, etc., effectively improving the accommodation experience of the tenants, and the steam generator has gradually become the first choice in the hotel industry.
    In terms of domestic water, hotel guests use more concentrated water, and hot water is prone to delays. It is also a common phenomenon in the industry to have hot water for ten minutes with the shower head turned on. Over the course of a year, thousands of tons of water are wasted, so hotels have higher requirements for heating efficiency.

  • 36KW Electric Steam Generator for  Laundry

    36KW Electric Steam Generator for Laundry

    Points to consider when buying a steam generator

    Everyone is no stranger to steam generators. Many industries such as daily chemical production, food processing, and clothing ironing need to use steam generators to provide heat.
    Facing so many steam generator manufacturers in the market, how to choose the suitable steam generator equipment?
    When we buy steam generators, we must consider that there must be an emergency backup plan when one steam generator fails. If the company has a high demand for steam generators, it is recommended to buy 2 steam generators at a time, one for one. prepare.