

  • 48KW 800 dregree Superheated Steam Generator

    48KW 800 dregree Superheated Steam Generator

    How to distinguish saturated steam from superheated steam
    1. Saturated steam
    Steam that has not been heat-treated is called saturated steam. It is a colorless, odorless, inflammable and non-corrosive gas. Saturated steam has the following characteristics.

    2. Superheated steam
    Steam is a special medium, and generally speaking, steam refers to superheated steam. Superheated steam is a common power source, which is often used to drive a steam turbine to rotate, and then drive a generator or a centrifugal compressor to work. Superheated steam is obtained by heating saturated steam. It contains absolutely no liquid droplets or liquid mist, and belongs to the actual gas. The temperature and pressure parameters of superheated steam are two independent parameters, and its density should be determined by these two parameters.

  • 48kw Electric Steam generator for canteen disinfection

    48kw Electric Steam generator for canteen disinfection

    Steam generator for canteen disinfection

    Summer is coming, and there will be more and more flies, mosquitoes, etc., and bacteria will also increase. The canteen is the most prone to disease, so the management department pays special attention to the sanitation of the kitchen. In addition to maintaining the cleanliness of the surface, it is also necessary to eliminate the possibility of other germs. At this time, an electric heating steam generator is needed.
    The high-temperature steam not only kills bacteria, fungus, and other microbes, but it also makes greasy areas like kitchens difficult to clean. Even a range hood will refresh in minutes if cleaned with high pressure steam. It is safe, environmentally friendly and does not require any disinfectants.

  • 48Kw Electric Steam Generator to ensure the safety of railway transportation

    48Kw Electric Steam Generator to ensure the safety of railway transportation

    Steam maintains diesel locomotives to ensure the safety of railway transportation

    In addition to transporting passengers to go out for fun, the train also has the function of transporting goods. The railway transport volume is large, the speed is also fast, and the cost is relatively low. Moreover, railway transport is generally not affected by weather conditions, and the sustainability is also Very stable, so rail transport is a good means of transport for goods.
    Due to power reasons, most of the freight trains in my country still use diesel internal combustion engines. In order to make the trains transport normally, it is necessary to disassemble, overhaul and maintain the diesel locomotives.

  • 90kw Electric Steam Generator for Food Industry

    90kw Electric Steam Generator for Food Industry

    How to judge whether the steam generator manufacturer is suitable for long-term cooperation

    It is particularly important to select manufacturers for cooperation, and how to select a steam generator manufacturer with good quality is particularly important. How to judge whether a steam generator manufacturer is suitable for long-term cooperation can be judged from many overall premise.
    When choosing a steam generator manufacturer, most customers pay special attention to the quotation of the steam generator manufacturer. The lower the price, the more attention is paid to it, forming a particularly bad price strategy in the market. In order to reduce funds, many manufacturers The production of low-quality raw materials and the phenomenon of pretending to be real have led to many engineering quality problems. For inexperienced customers, this is a loss.

  • 120KW Electric Steam Generator for  high temperature disinfection

    120KW Electric Steam Generator for high temperature disinfection

    Steam generators are used to save energy and increase production when cooked chicken is cooked and sterilized

    Chicken is a kind of delicacy that many people like to hear and see. However, roast chicken is more eaten, but the roast chicken absorbs oily fumes. Eating more is good for health. Nowadays, healthy and green meals are advocated.
    Will you still eat “roast chicken”? “Steamed chicken” is popular now! As the saying goes: “Roasting is not as good as frying, deep frying is not as good as frying, frying is not as good as boiling, and boiling is not as good as steaming.” Here comes the question, do you know how “steamed chicken” is made?

  • 0.3t Environmentally friendly Gasoil Steam Generator

    0.3t Environmentally friendly Gasoil Steam Generator

    Analyzing the working performance of fuel gas working generator

    The fuel gas steam generator is an environmentally friendly and energy-saving steam generator with outstanding product advantages. Since the water volume is less than 30L, it is within the scope of exemption from inspection. The inspection-free steam generator belongs to the production of the entire equipment. It can operate normally after being connected to electricity, water, and gas. , the product is relatively safe, convenient, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly. It can quickly produce steam in 3 minutes, and has unparalleled advantages over other steam boilers.

  • 3 Tons Fuel Gas Steam Boiler

    3 Tons Fuel Gas Steam Boiler

    What are the main types of steam generators? Where are they different?
    Simply speaking, the steam generator is to burn the fuel, heat the water through the released heat energy, generate steam, and transport the steam to the end user through the pipeline.
    Steam generators have been recognized by many users for their advantages of energy saving, environmental protection, safety, and inspection-free. Whether it is washing, printing and dyeing, wine distillation, harmless treatment, biomass pharmaceuticals, food processing and many other industries, energy-saving renovations need to use steam. Generator equipment, according to statistics, the market size of steam generators has exceeded 10 billion, and the trend of steam generator equipment gradually replacing traditional horizontal boilers is becoming increasingly obvious. So what are the types of steam generators? What are the differences? Today, the editor will take everyone to discuss together!

  • 54KW Electric Steam Generator for the ice cream making

    54KW Electric Steam Generator for the ice cream making

    Demystifying the role of steam in ice cream making

    Most modern ice cream is processed and produced by mechanical equipment, in which steam generators are used to homogenize ingredients, sterilize and other processes. Ice cream is made with exquisite raw material ratio and fine workmanship, and the ice cream produced is also soft and delicious, with a fragrant fragrance. So, how does an ice cream factory use steam generators to mass produce ice cream with good quality and good taste?

  • 2 Ton fuel gas steam generator with membrane wall structure

    2 Ton fuel gas steam generator with membrane wall structure

    Why is the fuel gas steam generator with membrane wall structure more energy-saving

    Nobeth membrane wall fuel gas steam generator is based on German membrane wall boiler technology as the core, combined with Nobeth self-developed ultra-low nitrogen combustion, multi-unit linkage design, intelligent control system, independent operation platform, etc. Designed with a leading technology, it is more intelligent, convenient, safe and stable. It not only complies with various national policies and regulations, but also has outstanding performance in terms of energy saving and reliability. Compared with ordinary boilers, it saves time and effort, reduces costs and increases efficiency.
    When Nobeth membrane wall fuel steam generator is working, its fuel is in full contact with air: a good proportion of fuel and air is combusted, which can not only improve the combustion efficiency of fuel, but also reduce the emission of polluting gases , so as to achieve the purpose of double energy saving.

  • 60KW Electric heating steam generators generally use indirect methods

    60KW Electric heating steam generators generally use indirect methods

    Industrial application of using electric steam generator to heat water

    Boiling water with an electric heating steam generator will not affect the water. Passing high-temperature steam into cold water to increase the water temperature to the desired temperature is one of the many applications of electric heating steam generators, such as slaughtering, boiling water and scalding chicken feathers, electroplating, matching of dishwashers, matching of washing machines, etc.

  • 0.6T Low Nitrogen Steam Boiler

    0.6T Low Nitrogen Steam Boiler

    Low nitrogen emission standards for steam generators

    The steam generator is an environmentally friendly product that does not emit waste gas, slag and waste water during operation. It is also called an environmentally friendly boiler. Despite this, large gas-fired steam generators still emit nitrogen oxides during operation. In order to minimize industrial pollution, the state has issued strict nitrogen oxide emission targets, calling on all sectors of society to replace environmentally friendly boilers.

  • 0.2T Gas Steam Boiler for cleaning

    0.2T Gas Steam Boiler for cleaning

    Implement boiler equipment renewal and transformation to promote the green development of the industry

    Implement boiler equipment renovation and standardize the recycling of waste equipment to promote the green development of the industry——Interpretation of “Guidelines for the Implementation of Boiler Renovation and Recycling”
    Recently, 9 departments including the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the “Guiding Opinions on Accelerating Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction and Recycling and Utilization to Accelerate the Renovation and Renovation of Product Equipment in Key Areas” (Fagai Huanzi [2023] No. 178), with the “Boiler Renewal The Implementation Guide for Retrofit and Recycling (2023 Edition) (hereinafter referred to as the “Implementat