

  • 108KW Electric Steam Generator for Concrete Maintenance

    108KW Electric Steam Generator for Concrete Maintenance

    Instructions for use of 108kw electric heating steam generator for concrete maintenance

    Concrete steam curing, the construction unit will first consider the electric steam generator, because in comparison; electric energy is more common. More cost-effective. But the steam volume determines the steaming area. The greater the power of the electric steam generator, the wider the evaporation area and the higher the load voltage.
    A Housing Industry Co., Ltd. in Chengdu is mainly engaged in the research and development of housing industrialization technology, the manufacture, processing and sales of steel bars and concrete prefabricated components. The company’s concrete construction uses Xuen’s 108-kilowatt electric steam generator, which generates 150 kilograms of steam per hour, and can raise an area of ​​200 square meters. The temperature is controlled automatically, so that the concrete can be solidified quickly, which greatly improves the progress of the project.

  • 720kw 0.8Mpa Industrial Steam Generator

    720kw 0.8Mpa Industrial Steam Generator

    What to do if the steam generator is overpressured
    The high-pressure steam generator is a heat replacement device that reaches steam or hot water with a higher output temperature than under normal pressure through a high-pressure device. The advantages of high-quality high-pressure steam generators, such as complex structure, temperature, continuous operation, and appropriate and reasonable circulating water system, are widely used in all walks of life. However, users will still have many faults after using the high-pressure steam generator, and it is particularly important to master the method of eliminating such faults.

  • 0.08T Gas Steam Bolier for Balloon Production

    0.08T Gas Steam Bolier for Balloon Production

    Application of Steam Generator in Balloon Production

    Balloons can be said to be a must-have item for all kinds of children’s carnivals and wedding celebrations. Its interesting shapes and colors bring endless fun to people and bring the event into a completely different artistic atmosphere. But how do cute balloons “appear” for most people?
    Most of the balloons are made of natural latex, and then the paint is mixed into the latex and wrapped to make balloons of different colors.
    Latex is the shape of a balloon. Latex preparation needs to be carried out in a vulcanization tank. The steam generator is connected to the vulcanization tank, and the natural latex is pressed into the vulcanization tank. After adding an appropriate amount of water and auxiliary material solution, the steam generator is turned on, and the high-temperature steam is heated along the pipeline. The water in the vulcanization tank reaches 80°C, and the latex is indirectly heated through the jacket of the vulcanization tank to fully mix it with water and auxiliary material solutions.

  • 1T  pure water filter for Steam Generator

    1T pure water filter for Steam Generator

    Why use steam generator will use water treatment

    water treatment softens water
    Because the water without water treatment has a lot of minerals, although some water looks very clear without turbidity, after repeated boiling of the water in the boiler liner, the minerals in the water without water treatment will produce chemical reactions Worse, they will stick to the heating pipe and level control
    If the water quality is not handled properly, it will cause fouling of the natural gas steam generator and blockage of the pipeline, which will not only waste fuel, but also cause accidents such as pipeline explosions, and even cause the natural gas steam generator to be scrapped, and metal corrosion will occur, reducing the life of the natural gas steam generator service life.

  • 500KG Gas Steam Boiler for heating

    500KG Gas Steam Boiler for heating

    The difference between water tube boiler and fire tube boiler

    Both water tube boilers and fire tube boilers are relatively common boiler models. The difference between the two makes the user groups they face are also different. So how do you choose to use a water tube boiler or a fire tube boiler? Where is the difference between these two types of boilers? Nobeth will discuss with you today.
    The difference between a water tube boiler and a fire tube boiler lies in the difference in the media inside the tubes. The water in the tube of the water tube boiler heats the tube water through the convection/radiation heat exchange of the external flue gas; the flue gas flows in the tube of the fire tube boiler, and the flue gas heats the medium outside the tube to achieve heat exchange.

  • 24kw electric heating steam generator

    24kw electric heating steam generator

    What is the power consumption of a 24kw electric heating steam generator?

    Normally, the power consumption of electric heating steam generator 24kw per hour is 24kw, that is, 24 degrees, because 1kw/h is equal to 1 kilowatt-hour of electricity.
    However, the power consumption of a 24kw electric steam generator is directly proportional to the amount of operation, such as operating time, operating power or equipment failure.

  • Nobeth Electric 12kw steam mini boiler for hospital’s preparation room

    Nobeth Electric 12kw steam mini boiler for hospital’s preparation room

    The hospital’s preparation room purchased Nobeth ultra-low nitrogen steam generators to complete preparation tasks safely and efficiently with steam

    The preparation room is the place where medical units prepare preparations. In order to meet the requirements of medical treatment, scientific research, and teaching services, many hospitals have their own preparation rooms for preparing different self-use preparations.
    The preparation room of the hospital is different from the pharmaceutical factory. It mainly guarantees the clinical drug use. The biggest feature is that there are many varieties of products and few quantities. As a result, the production cost of the preparation room is much higher than that of the pharmaceutical factory, resulting in “high investment and low output”.
    Now with the development of medicine, the division of labor between medical treatment and pharmacy is becoming more and more detailed. As a clinical drug, the research and production of the preparation room not only need to be rigorous, but also need to be close to reality, which can meet the needs of special clinical diagnosis and treatment, and provide patients with individualized treatment. .

  • 0.5T Gasoil Steam Boiler for  Electroplating

    0.5T Gasoil Steam Boiler for Electroplating

    The steam generator is metal-plated, “steaming” a new situation
    Electroplating is a technology that uses electrolytic process to deposit metal or alloy on the surface of the plated parts to form a metal coating on the surface. Generally speaking, the material used for the plated metal is the anode, and the product to be plated is the cathode. The plated metal material is in the On the metal surface, the cationic components in it are reduced to a coating to protect the cathode metal to be plated from being disturbed by other cations. The main purpose is to enhance the corrosion resistance, heat resistance and lubricity of the metal. In the process of electroplating, enough heat needs to be used to ensure the normal progress of the coating, so what functions can the steam generator mainly provide for electroplating?

  • 6kw Electric Steam Generator in High Temperature Washing

    6kw Electric Steam Generator in High Temperature Washing

    Exploring the complex structural composition inside an electrically heated steam generator

    Electric heating steam generator is composed of water supply system, automatic control system, furnace and heating system and safety protection system. The electric heating steam generator is through a set of automatic control device. In order for the equipment to give full play to its functions, the structure of the equipment can fully reflect its characteristics. In order to have a deeper understanding of the equipment,

  • Industrial Steam Powered Generator Boiler Superheated Steam Generator

    Industrial Steam Powered Generator Boiler Superheated Steam Generator

    How to choose electric steam generator for tofu production 

    Steam is the main driving force of production and processing today, and there are various types of equipment for steam production and various models of equipment, which makes it more difficult to purchase a high-quality equipment.


    Electric steam generators have the following advantages:

    1. Fully automatic operation, no special operation is required, just set the time to start
    2. Clean and hygienic, no stains, green and environmental protection
    3. No noise during operation,
    4. The design structure is reasonable, which is conducive to installation, operation and energy saving.
    5. The heating time is short and the steam can be generated continuously.
    6. Compact structure, simple, less consumables.
    7. Quick installation After leaving the factory and arriving at the use site, you only need to install pipes, instruments, valves and other accessories to start running.
    8. It is easy to install and move, and only needs the customer to provide a reasonable location for the steam generator.

  • 180kw Electric Steam Generator for Wine Distillation

    180kw Electric Steam Generator for Wine Distillation

    Precise Temperature Control of Wine Distillation Steam Generators

    There are many ways to make wine. Distilled wine is an alcoholic beverage with a higher ethanol concentration than the original fermentation product. Chinese liquor, also known as shochu, belongs to distilled liquor. The brewing process of distilled wine is roughly divided into: grain ingredients, cooking, saccharification, distillation, blending, and finished products. Both cooking and distillation require steam heat source equipment.

  • 1 ton gas steam generator for  Biological Technology

    1 ton gas steam generator for Biological Technology

    Price positioning of steam generators

    In general, the price of a single steam generator ranges from thousands to tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands. However, the specific cost of steam generator equipment depends on the comprehensive consideration of various conditions such as equipment size, tonnage, temperature and pressure, material quality, and component configuration.