
Zithini izibonelelo zokusebenzisa ubushushu bokugcina umbane

Umkhondo we-ballast usebenzisa izixhobo ezixubeneyo ezinjengekhonkrithi kunye ne-asphalt, kunye nesiseko esipheleleyo sithatha indawo ye-Gravelt ye-gravel. Okwangoku itekhnoloji ye-tract elona candelo liphezulu emhlabeni. Elinye igama libizwa ngokuba yi-ballastss track. I-Ballast Ack inokuthintela i-ballast iqhekeza, ilunge kakhulu, uzinzo olulungileyo, ubomi obude, ubomi obulungileyo, ukuqina okuhle, umsebenzi omncinci kunye nezinye izibonelelo.
I-allast track ye-slab yenziwe ngekhonkrithi. Sonke siyazi ukuba ikhonkrithi inobutyebi obuthathaka ngengqondo ehlekisayo. Isamente iyakukhulula ubushushu obuninzi ngexesha lenkqubo yokuhamba-quka. At the initial stage of pouring, the concrete The elasticity and strength of concrete are relatively low, and the strain constraint force generated by the sharp temperature rise in the hydration process is not large, and the temperature strain constraint force is of course relatively small: as the age of concrete increases, its elasticity and strength increase accordingly , the binding force on the temperature change of the concrete is getting stronger and stronger, that is, it will velisa ubushushu obukhulu kunye nomkhosi onzima. Ukuba i-tensle deistity kunye namandla ekhonkrithi ayinakukwazi ukumelana nobushushu obunzima ngeli xesha, iqondo lobushushu liya kuveliswa. ukuqhekeka.

I-ballast track slab
Ikhonkrithi kwikhonkrithi inefuthe elikhulu kwi-ballast track slab. Ukwenzela ukomeleza amandla ekhonkrithi, ukubetha kombane i-steam generator ingasetyenziselwa ukunyanga ikhonkrithi. Ukuvuthuza kombane umvelisi we-steam ungahlengahlengiswa ngokweqondo lobushushu lendawo engqongileyo, enokunciphisa ubungakanani bekhonkrithi. Umahluko wobushushu phakathi kweqondo lobushushu kunye nobushushu bomphezulu, ubushushu obungaphezulu kunye nobushushu.
I-Nobleth Steam Generator inomvelisi we-steam oqinileyo, ivolumu yamanzi eyaneleyo, ukwahlukana kwamanzi kunye nokusebenza okuphezulu, kunye nokusebenza kweqhosha lendlela, kunye nokuphucula ukusebenza kwemveliso kunye nokugcinwa kwemveliso.
I-Allast Slast Slab igcinwa ngumbane we-steam generator, enokunciphisa kwaye iphephe amandla ekhonkrithi, iphucule amandla ekhonkrithi, kwaye isebenza kakuhle ekulandeleni i-Slab Store.

Amanyathelo okhuseleko