Wonke umuntu kufanele adle i-hawthorn ngaphezulu noma ngaphansi. Hawthorn is not only red and beautiful, but also has a sweet and sour taste that makes people linger. Do you know where the difficulties in processing hawthorn are? How to make processed hawthorn with twice the result with half the effort Woolen cloth?
Izicucu zeHawthorn, ezaziwa nangokuthi amakhekhe aseHawthorn, zenziwe ngekhwalithi ephezulu ye-hawthorn njengoba impahla enkulu futhi icwengeke ngezinqubo eziningi njengokukhethwa kwezinto ezibonakalayo, ukuhlanza, ukudonsa, ukushaya, ukubumba, ukomisa kanye nokupakisha. The most basic shape of hawthorn slices is hawthorn slices. Derivatives include hawthorn strips, sandwich hawthorn slices, fruity hawthorn slices, iron hawthorn, fruit Dan skin, snow hawthorn and so on.
Hawthorn slices and hawthorn fruit peels are the most common and popular varieties. Ingasetshenziswa futhi njengomuthi, okungokwangomusi, esiswini kanye nakwesibindi, futhi inemiphumela yokuqeda ukunqwabelana kokudla, ukukhuthaza ukujikeleza kwegazi nokukhipha i-stasis yegazi. Hawthorn food processing steam generator makes hawthorn processing more efficient!
Ukucutshungulwa kwezinto ezingavunwa ezimpahleni ezinongoniwe kudinga ukukhethwa kwezinto ezibonakalayo, ukuhlanza, ukubulala, ukushaya, ushukela, okuvusa, ukugoqa, ukugoqa, ukomisa, ukumisa, ukumiswa, ukomisa, ukumisa, ukomisa, ukomisa, ukumisa, ukumiswa, ukomisa, ukumisa, ukumiswa, ukomisa, ukumisa, ukumiswa, ukomisa, ukumisa, ukumisa, ukomisa, ukomisa, ukupakisha. In this project, it is necessary to steam hawthorn through a hawthorn food processing steam generator. The fruit base and sugar solution are heated together to make the sugar solution slowly boil. At this time, the hawthorn pulp becomes transparent and the sugar solution turns red. The quality score is above 75%.
Hawthorn food processing steam generator can not only steam hawthorn, but also can be used as a supporting drying room. Ukusuka ekushayweni uye esomiswe, noma ngabe imbiza yokupheka noma igumbi lokumisa, inqobo nje uma lixhunywe ekuhlolweni kokudla kwe-hawthorn generator izinga lokushisa umusi wokushisa umterombani ongakuthuthukisa kakhulu ukunambitheka kanye nokusebenza kahle kwe-hawthorn. It can be seen that the special steam generator for food processing of Nobeth plays a vital role in the processing of hawthorn.
Isikhathi sePosi: Aug-03-2023